Prof. Dr. Carsten Münker
Telefon +49 221 470-3198
Telefax +49 221 470-5199
E-Mail: c.muenker(at)
Cosmochemistry and early evolution of the Earth
- Dating core formation and silicate differentiation in early solar system objects and planets, using long and short lived radioactive decay systems (Hf-W, Nb-Zr, Lu-Hf).
- Search for nucleosynthetic anomalies in meteorites.
- Behaviour of trace elements during silicate differentiation on the Moon and on small asteroids.
- The Pb isotope evolution of the Earth.
High Temperature geochemistry
- Early crustal differentiation processes (e.g., 3.8Ga to 2.8 Ga crustal evolution in Greenland).
- Subduction zone processes (Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Kamchatka, Tonga Kermadec, New Zealand, Indonesia, Bulgaria, Greece).
- Mid ocean ridge volcanism and ophiolites (Mid Atlantic Ridge, Cyprus).
- Intraplate volcanism (New Zealand, Siebengebirge).
- Global mass budget of the extended high field strength element group in igneous systems.
- Lu-Hf geochronology.
Low Temperature geochemistry
- Lu-Hf dating of biogenic phosphates
- Bone diagenesis
- Fe isotope fractionation in soils
- Mass budget of high field strength elements in aqueous systems
Method developments - Mass Spectrometry
- Development of new techniques for chromatographic trace element separation for isotope ratio measurements.
- Development of new techniques in ICP mass spectrometry with an emphasis on Multicollector ICPMS.
- High precision trace element measurements by isotope dilution (e.g., Nb/Ta, ZrHf and Ta/W measurements).
- Introduction to geochemistry (2nd year)
- Introduction to isotope geochemistry (3rd to 4th year)
- Geodynamics, magmatism and metamorphism (1st year)
- Introductory Lecture "The Earth" (1st year) (Topics: Early solar system evolution, mantle dynamics, volcanism and plate tectonics)
- Igneous Petrology
- Practicals in trace element and isotope geochemistry (3rd to 6th year)
- Volcanological and petrological field trips (Eifel, Siebengebirge, Canary Island, Cyprus, Cyclades, Zermatt) (all levels)