Some previous and ongoing research
Relationships between denudation, topograpahy, climate and tectonics
- Deriving denudation rates from cosmogenic nuclides and other techniques to develop denudation rate chronologies.
- Using basin-wide cosmogenic nuclide derived denudation rate measurements to investigate landscape forming processes.
- Quantifying sediment mixing and transport times with multiple cosmogenic nuclides.
- Dating abandoned fluvial features to examine relationships between faulting and climate in arid environments.
Rates of faulting and palaeoseismic records
- Exposure age dating of offset surfaces to constrain rates of faulting and develop palaeoseismic histories.
- Developing novel approaches of cosmogenic nuclide sampling to measure rates of fault slip.
Dating of glacial events
- Dating glacial events using cosmogenic nuclides. Projects in South America, Europe and Antarctica.
Lunar Geomorphology
- Cosmogenic nuclide measurements in Apollo 16 lunar cores to investigate lunar surface processes.
Methodological developments
- Constraining terresrial cosmogenic nuclide production rates.
- Developing novel lithologies and new nuclides for cosmogenic exposure age dating.
- Field Methods in Earth Surface Processes (MSc)
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Laboratory Methods (MSc)
- Special topics in Earth Surface Processes (MSc)
- Geology and Geomorphology of Scotland, Field Trip (MSc)
- Introduction to Remote Sensing and GIS (BSc)