Hier folgen in Kürze die Termine für das Sommersemester 2025.
vergangene Kolloquien
SoSe 2024
- 05.07.2024 Dr. Christian Vollmer, Institut für Mineralogie, Uni Münster: The origins of extraterrestrial organic matter in meteorites and returned mission samples
- 28.06.2024 Dr. Sonja Berg, AG Quartärgeologie, Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie: "East Antarctic Ice Sheet Instabilities - Field work in un-glaciated coastal areas during the R/V Polarstern voyages EASI 1-3"
- 21.06.2024 Dr. Holger Seher, Gesellschaft für Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit: "Modellierung von Kolloidstabilität unter Endlagerbedingungen"
- 07.06.2024 Dr. Martin Zeckra, Erdbebenstation Bensberg, UzK: "Minionology - Can Minions revolutionize Seismology?"
- 26.04.2024 Dr. Amelia Davies, AG Umweltisotopengeochemie, Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie, UzK: "Isotopic clumping in biogenic carbonates – to (paleo)temperature and beyond"
- 12.04.2024 Prof. Georg Zellmer, Massey University, New Zealand: "Plutonic Nature of a Transcrustal Magmatic System: Evidence from Ultrahigh Resolution Sr-Disequilibria in Plagioclase Microantecrysts from the Southern Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand"
- 05.04.2024 Prof. Dr. Dr. rer. nat. D. Leusmann, Mineralogisch-Gemmologisches Labor am St. Elisabeth-Krhs. Hohenlind: "Von der Kristallographie über die Urologie zur Gemmologie - Ein gerader Weg?"
WiSe 2023/24
- 26.01.2024 Prof. Steven Goderis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, "The Chicxulub impact winter sustained by fine silicate dust: constraints from iridium, sulfur, and dust
- 15.12.2023 Prof. Carlos Pinilla, Universidad del Norte, Colombia, "Atoms and Materials: Computational Modelling for Mineralogy and Environmental Challenges"
- 08.12.2023 Prof. Dr. Christian März, Uni Bonn, "Biogeochemistry of Holocene Sediments in the Barents Sea – Carbon, Nutrients, and Paleoceanography"
- 01.12.2023 Prof. Lutz Nasdala (Uni Wien), "Gem materials in mineralogical research: Field work and analytical studies"
- 17.11.2023 Prof. Gerald Roberts; UCL London, "Earthquake clustering constrained by 36Cl cosmogenic isotopes and modelling of stress changes on brittle fault zones and viscous shear zones”
- 10.11.2023 Prof. Juliana Troch, RWTH Aachen, "Pegmatites as recorders of the magmatic-hydrothermal transition in silicic magma reservoirs“
- 03.11.2023 Prof. Philipp Ruprecht, University of Nevada, "Was der Effzeh mit Magmatismus zu tun hat: Die Rekonstruktion magmatischer Prozesse anhand von Kristallwachstum und geochemischer Signaturen“ (Vortrag auf Englisch)
- 27.10.2023 Dr. Maike Becker, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt (DLR), "Real-time X-ray imaging of microstructure formation during solidification processes"
- 20.10.2023 Dr. Pedro Waterton, University of Copenhagen, "Komatiites: their geochemistry and origins"
SoSe 2023
- 30.06.2023 - Prof. Dr. Arnaud Montabert, "From stratigraphic analysis to Finite Element Models - Quantitative archaeoseismological tools applied to Medieval Tuscany's bell towers"
- 23.06.2023 - Dr. Sanja Panovska (GFZ in Potsdam), “Mapping the long-term variations of Earth's magnetic field: approaches, constraints, and implications”
- 16.06.2023 - Prof. Dr. Kamil Ustaszewski (FSU Jena), "Vertical motions as indicators of active tectonic deformation. Case studies from the Zagros and Dinarides fold-and-thrust belts"
- 05.06.2023 - Ashley King (Natural History Museum London), “The fall, recovery, & analysis of the Winchcombe meteorite”
- 05.05.2023 - PD. Dr. Tamara Djordjevic (Uni Wien), "Secondary thallium minerals in the environment: Tl sequestration in the northern and middle part of the Allchar Sb–As–Tl–Au deposit, North Macedonia."
- 14.04.2023 - Prof. Dr. James Scott (University of Otago), “Just how on Earth we know what Mars is made of”
WiSe 2019/20
- 08.10.2019: Christian Timm (GEOMAR, Kiel): ''From Seamount Subduction to Subarc Mantle Heterogeneities: Evidence from the Kermadec Arc, SW Pacific''
- 22.10.: Chris Ballhaus (Universität Bonn): ''Experimental fossilisation of fishes''
- 05.11.: Thomas Driesner (ETH Zürich): ''How geothermal systems work'' (Virtual Department Kolloquium)
- 12.11.: Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal (Universität Frankfurt am Main): ''Phase stability of carbonates at high P,T conditions"
- 19.11.: Andrea Mundl-Petermeier: ''Primordial reservoirs in Earth's modern mantle"
- 10.12.: Bertus Smith (University of Johannesburg): ''News from Archean Sediments'' (Virtual Department Kolloquium)
- 14.01.2020: Prof. Stephan Klemme (Universität Münster): "Fluorine in the mantle: What we know and what we don’t"
SoSe 2019
- 02.07 Carme Huguet (Los Andes University Bogotá, Colombia) “Climate dynamics during the Panama Isthmus closing”
- 18.06 Sebastién Nomade (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) ''Ar-Ar geochronology''
- 04.06 Kristoffer Szilas (Copenhagen) "Archaean peridotites from Greenland - Implications for tectonics and craton formation"
- 21.05 Dr. Paolo Sossi (ETH Zürich) ''Experimentally determined isotopic fractionation of Cu and Zn during Langumir evaporation from silicate melts''
- 07.05 Frank Scherbaum (Universität Potsdam) ''Von der Seismologie zur Weltkulturerbeforschung - Musikethnologische Spurensuche im Hohen Kaukasus''
- 09.04 Mario Fischer-Gödde (Uni Köln) ''Ruthenium and molybdenum isotopes as genetic tracers of Earth’s late-stage planetary building blocks.''
WiSe 2018/19
- 29.1.2019 Robin Fentiman (Uni Fribourg) - The role of benthic foraminifera in present and past cold-water coral ecosystems
- 15.1.2019 Wolfgang Müller (Uni Frankfurt) - Palaeoenvironmental archives read at very high time-resolution with (cryo-cell) LA-ICPMS: applications to Greenland ice cores and giant clams
- 18.12.2018 Sven Hartenfels (Uni Köln) Famennium (Oberdevon) – das „goldene Zeitalter“ der Conodonten
- 20.11.2018 Eberhard Gischler (Uni Frankfurt) The Blue Hole of Lighthouse Reef Atoll, Belize: a late Quaternary archive of environmental and climate change
- 13.11.2018 James Scott (University of Otago, New Zealand) Formation and stabilisation of teh Earth’s 8th continent, Zealandia
- 06.11.2018 Thomas Wagner (RWTH Aachen) Metals in ore-forming hydrothermal systems
- 23.10.2018 Charlotte Miller (MARUM, Bremen) The southern westerlies and local insolation as drivers of Late Quaternary climate variability in eastern South Africa
- 09.10.2018 Brigitte Knapmeyer-Endrun (Uni Köln) The InSight mission - a geophysical observatory on Mars
SoSe 2018
- 03.07.2018 Tanja Mohr Westheide (Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin)
- 19.06.2018 Vinciane Debaille (Laboratoire G-Time, Environnement et Société (DGES), Bruxelles, Belgium)
The Mantle-Crust System of Mars - 05.06.2018 Jens Fiebig (Universität Frankfurt)
Perspectives and challenges of carbonate clumped isotope analysis - 08.05.2018 Klaus Eberhardt (Universität Mainz)
Der Forschungsreaktor TRIGA Mainz: Eine starke Neutronenquelle für Forschung und Lehre - 24.04.2018 Alexander Francke (University of Wollongong, Australia)
Climate forcing versus human land use – A novel multi proxy approach for quantitative estimates of past landscape evolution - 10.4.2018 Raúl Fonseca (Universität Köln)
The genetics of the Earth and Moon – Insights from the partitioning behavior of Mo and W during lunar mantle melting
WiSe 2017/18
- 23.01.2018 - Thorsten Geisler-Wierwille (Universität Bonn)
Applications of Raman Spectroscopy in Mineralogy, Geology, and Paleontology - 09.01.2018 - Martin Bizzarro (Universität Kopenhagen, Dänemark)
Absolute chronology of chondrule formation - implications for early disk dynamics - 12.12.2017 - Thorsten Bauersachs (Universität Kiel)
Heterocyst glycolipids:Novel tools for reconstructing continental climate change - 28.11.2017 - Guido Wiesenberg (Universität Zürich, Schweiz)
New insights into uncertainties of paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on terrestrial sedimentary archives - 21.11.2017 - Hans-Jürgen Weyer (Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler - BDG)
Arbeitsmarktchancen für Geowissenschaftler - 14.11.2017 - Gösta Hoffmann (Universität Bonn)
Quaternary coastal evolution in Oman (Indian Ocean) - 17.10.2017 - Mark Thiemens (University of California, San Diego, USA)
A 5 Sulfur Radioactive and Stable Isotope Approach to the Tracing the Origin of Life in the Early Earth - 29.09.2017 - Martin von Kranendonk (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)
On the Origin of Life: Darwin’s Warm Little Pond revisited and implications for the search for life in the solar system
SoSe 2017
- 25.07.2017 - Roberto Bao (University of A Coruña, Faculty of Sciences)
Diatom-based paleoenvironmental reconstructions in limnogeology: an example from the late Miocene lacustrine systems of the Norte Grande region, Chile - 11.07.2017 - Axel Gerdes (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, AG Petrologie & Geochemie)Timing of Low-T processes by U-Pb small scale isochrones: from brittle deformation and ore mineralisation to graben formation and basin development
- 04.07.2017 - Carme Huguet (Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Kolumbien)
Application of traditional and new GDGTs in biogeochemistry - 27.06.2017 - Jens Herrle (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, AG Paläontologie)
Tracing the Holocene Black Sea outflow triggered by outburst floodings of lake Agassiz - 13.06.2017 - Gert Weckwerth (Uni Köln, AG Geo-/Kosmochemie)
Ergebnisse eines Verbundprojektes zur Spurenelementverteilung in den Rheinischen Braunkohlelagerstätten - 30.05.2017 - Holger Seher (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit)
Aktuelle geowissenschaftliche Fragestellungen bei der Endlagerung hochradioaktiver Abfälle in Deutschland - 16.05.2017 - Julien Denayer (University of Liège, Department of Geology)
The Lower Carboniferous corals: a tool for the field and a field of tools - 02.05.2017 - David Dolejš (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, AG Mineralogie & Petrologie)
Simulating and interpreting igneous texture: From crystal nucleus to entire pluton
WiSe 2016/17
- 07.02.2017 - Jörg Giese (Freie Universität Berlin, Abt. Tektonik und Sedimentologie)
Neogene to recent extension, block rotation, and shortening at the Dinarides-Hellenides junction - 24.01.2017 - Addi Bischoff (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institut für Planetologie)
Meterorites, their Parent Bodies and Components - Basics and Curiosities - 10.01.2017 - Gerd Weckwerth (Uni Köln, AG Geo-/Kosmochemie)
Neutronenaktivierungsanalysen von Feinstäuben der Kölner Umweltzone: Ursachenforschung mit geochemischen Fingerprints - 29.11.2016 - Christian Knoblauch (Universität Hamburg, Institut für Bodenkunde)
Methane Turnover in Permafrost Soils of the North Siberian Tundra - 22.11.2016 - Piotr Kowalski (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
(Vortrag im Rahmen des Auswahlverfahrens für die W1-Professur "Computational Mineralogy")
Scientific basis for nuclear waste management: Role of computational mineralogy - 15.11.2016 - Udo Becker (University of Michigan, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences)
Examples of nanoparticle interactions and kinetic bottlenecks of processes in the environment - 18.10.2016 - Magdalena Hofmann (Utrecht University, Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Group)
Clumped isotope signatures in atmospheric gases as a new tracer for biogeochemical processes
SoSe 2016
- 19.07.2016 - Tim Conway (ETH Zürich)
Stable metal isotopes in the ocean: Results from the international GEOTRACES program - 12.07.2016 - Thomas Wotte (Uni Köln, AG Paläontologie & Historische Geologie)
Fauna and stable isotopes from the Cambrian Period: Potentials and weaknesses - 05.07.2016 - Finn Viehberg (Uni Köln, AG Quartärgeologie)
Ostracoda as proxies for Quaternary climate change - 28.06.2016 - Georgina King (Uni Köln, Geographisches Institut)
Constraining quaternary exhumation using (very) low-temperature thermochronometry: a case study from Namche Barwa (Tibet) - 14.06.2016 - Ulrike Herzschuh (AWI Potsdam)
Vegetations- und Klimaänderungen in Asien - 31.05.2016 - Frank Wombacher (Uni Köln, AG Geo- & Kosmochemie)
Volatile element depletion in the inner Solar System - 03.05.2016 - Daniel Herwartz (Uni Köln, AG Isotopengeochemie)
Applications of a novel tool (17Oexcess) in stable isotope geochemistry: constraints for the climate of Snowball Earth and a heterogeneous moon - 19.04.2016 - Joachim Reitner (Uni Göttingen, AG Geobiologie)
Lakes of Christmas Island (Line Islands, Central Pacific) - Insights into a modern unorthodox microbial carbonate and gypsum forming world