Laufende Arbeiten
Name | Thema | Gutachter |
Kristin Fahr | TCN in Chile | B. Ritter S. Binnie |
Name | Thema | Gutachter |
Rene Feld | Erosion rates of basalt from pyroxenes | T. Dunai S. Binnie |
Ron Stevens | Erosion rates using 36Cl | T. Dunai |
Mathias Ritter | Charakterisierung von durch das Hochwasserereignis im Juli 2021 hervorgerufenen Erosionsstrukturen im Bereich Erftstadt-Blessem | T. Dunai J. Mohren |
Name | Thema | Gutachter |
Katharina Knödgen | Aspect-induced differences in soil erosion and weathering in the Altos de Talinay, Northern Centr. Chile | T. Dunai J. Mohren |
Name | Thema | Gutachter |
Sabrina Niemyer | Burial dating using cosmogenic isotopes | T. Dunai |
Name | Thema | Gutachter |
Aline Zinelabedin | Gypsum Characteristics and Evolution | T. Dunai B. Ritter |
Max Niederstein | Lunar surface processes from high resolution topographic models | S. Binnie D. Hoffmeister |
Kevin Rieger | The erosion of reverse fault scarps and the implications for faulting: The Chuculay Fault system, Northern Chile | S. Binnie |
Name | Thema | Gutachter |
Tom Schulte | Laserscanning fault scarps & free-faces | S.Mechernich N. Tilly |
Sandro Lo Bue | Assessing erosional response to tectonic and climatic forcing in the Huara Intrusive Complex, northern Chile, using catchment wide cosmogenic nuclide denudation rates and morphometric analysis | T. Dunai |
Name | Thema | Gutachter |
Marco Politsch | Slip history of the spili fault, Crete, Greece | S. Mechernich T. Dunai |
Christian Tiede | Micrometeorites of the Atacama Desert, Chile | T. Dunai D. Hezel |
Name | Thema | Gutachter |
Julia Diederich | Exposure dating of alluvial fans using 21Ne, Northern Chile | T. Dunai B. Ritter |
Hannah Dahms | Slip rates and earthquake potential of active normal faults in the Thripti Mountains, Eastern Crete, Greece | T. Dunai |
Joel Mohren | Erosion rate determinations using 10Be and 26Al, Northern Chile | T. Dunai S. Binnie |
Name | Thema | Gutachter |
Raphael Gromig | Dating of a Late Quaternary terminal moraine in the Galicica Mountains (FYROM) using cosmogenic 36Chlorine | T. Dunai S. Mechernich |
Fabian Teuber | Anwendung der meteorischen 10Be/9Be-Methodik auf lakustrine Sedimente im Kerngebiet der Atacama Wüste, Chile | T. Dunai S. Mechernich |
Name | Thema | Gutachter |
Lena Kuhlmann | Apparent cosmogenic 3He production rates in iron oxides as function of grain size and matrix | T. Dunai S. Binnie |
Daniel Sperl | Estimation of soil erosion on agricultural sites in north-eastern Germany (Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania) derived from fallout plutonium | T. Dunai, S. Binnie |
Diplomarbeiten 2014
Name | Thema | Gutachter |
Nadine Degnane-M'Beh | Petrologische und geochemische Untersuchungen an Gipskrusten der Atacamawüste | T. Dunai M. Staubwasser |
Simon Schwabenitz | Terrace erosion in the north western part of the Mejillones Peninsula, Chile, using DEM data | S. Binnie T. Dunai |