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in Vorbereitung

Monica Terraza (place of work Univ. Münster)Quantification of river incision and uplift using the 10Be - 26Al burial dating methodR. Hetzel
B. Ritter
Aline ZinelabedinCalcium-sulfate dynamics on geomorphological scalesT. Dunai
B. Ritter
Sabrina NiemeyerMethodological development and applications of terrestrial cosmogenic kryptonT. Dunai


Name Titel Betreuer
Joel Mohren The effect of surface cover on Earth-shaping processes and the impact of climate and climate change on the formation of topography T. Dunai


Name Titel Betreuer
Benedikt Ritter Landscape and climate evolution in arid to hyperarid climates with special focus on the Atacama Desert T. Dunai
M. Melles


Name Titel Betreuer
Ariane Binnie

The Quaternary uplift history along the coast of northern Chile revealed by cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating of marine terraces

T. Dunai
R. Kleinschrodt
Björn Dittmann Development and production of AMS Standard Materials (Pu, Mn-53) and their applications E. Strub
T. Dunai


Name Titel Betreuer
Hendrick Wiesel Bestimmung der langlebigen kosmogenen und anthropogenen Radionuklide 10Be, 26Al, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239Pu und 240Pu in Umweltproben mittels Beschleunigermassenspektrometrie H. H. Coenen
T. Dunai