in Vorbereitung
Name | Titel | Betreuer |
Monica Terraza (place of work Univ. Münster) | Quantification of river incision and uplift using the 10Be - 26Al burial dating method | R. Hetzel B. Ritter |
Aline Zinelabedin | Calcium-sulfate dynamics on geomorphological scales | T. Dunai B. Ritter |
Sabrina Niemeyer | Methodological development and applications of terrestrial cosmogenic krypton | T. Dunai |
Name | Titel | Betreuer |
Joel Mohren | The effect of surface cover on Earth-shaping processes and the impact of climate and climate change on the formation of topography | T. Dunai |
Name | Titel | Betreuer |
Benedikt Ritter | Landscape and climate evolution in arid to hyperarid climates with special focus on the Atacama Desert | T. Dunai M. Melles |
Name | Titel | Betreuer |
Ariane Binnie | The Quaternary uplift history along the coast of northern Chile revealed by cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating of marine terraces | T. Dunai R. Kleinschrodt |
Björn Dittmann | Development and production of AMS Standard Materials (Pu, Mn-53) and their applications | E. Strub T. Dunai |
Name | Titel | Betreuer |
Hendrick Wiesel | Bestimmung der langlebigen kosmogenen und anthropogenen Radionuklide 10Be, 26Al, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239Pu und 240Pu in Umweltproben mittels Beschleunigermassenspektrometrie | H. H. Coenen T. Dunai |