PD Dr. Benedikt Ritter-Prinz
Telefon +49 221 470-2963
Telefax +49 221 470-5199
E-Mail: benedikt.ritter(at)uni-koeln.de
Ongoing Projects
Landscape and climate evolution in arid to hyperarid climates - Atacama Desert (SFB / CRC 1211, "Earth Evolution at the Dry Limit" - PI C04)
- Using terrestrial sediment archives to reconstruct paleoclimate and surface activity in hyperarid environments.
- Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclide (TCN) dating of geomorphological features (alluvial fans, shorelines, inactive fluvial channel, tectonic fault scarps) to reconstruct past climate variations in hyperarid environments.
- Determining erosion/denudation rates in hyperarid environments using multiple cosmogenic nuclide isotopes (10Be, 26Al, 21Ne)
- Inferring existence and duration of hiatuses in sedimentary archives using cosmogenic nuclides
- Reconstructing incision histories of fluvial drainages
- Interaction between aggradation and degradation processes in response to tectonic and/or climate events in the El Salvador area.
- CaSO4 dynamics and related landscape evolution
Noble Gas Mass Spectroscopy
- Build-up and routine application of 21Ne analysis in the new established Cologne Lab for Noble Gases
- Establishment of He analysis for cosmogenic nuclide and mantle/crust geochemistry applications
- Liquid extraction procedure for noble gases