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Niklas Kallnik, M.Sc.

E-Mail: nkallnikSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de

PhD project funded by DFG SPP 2404 DeepDyn


Research Interests

My research at the University of Cologne focuses on tracing the origin of 182W/184W anomalies in Earth’s deep mantle that formed during the first 60 million years of solar system evolution. Therefore, providing insights into Earth’s interior composition, structure, and dynamics over billions of years.

As a part of DeepDyn, I will explore the possibility of tracing interaction between Earth’s lower mantle and outer core using high-precision multi collector-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS).

Additional interests include the formation and magmatic evolution of the Moon and late accretion onto the Earth-Moon system. In particular, investigating processes such as the volatile loss of the Moon during early as well as late-stage differentiation via siderophile volatile and highly siderophile elements.