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PD Dr. Frank Wombacher

Telefon +49 221 470-3197

E-Mail: fwombach(at)uni-koeln.de

Research interests

  • Formation and evolution of the Solar System
  • Volatile element geo- and cosmochemistry
  • Applications of non-traditional stable isotopes (Mg, Fe, Cd) in geo- and cosmochemistry
  • Development of analytical methods for element and isotope ratio measurements


    • Cosmochemistry (MSc)
    • Seminar in Geochemistry (MSc)
    • Isotope ratio analysis by multicollector ICP-MS (MSc)
    • Geochemical Exercises (BSc)
    • Lab course (sample prep, ICP-MS, data evaluation) (BSc)
    • Field trip Eifel volcanism (BSc; as assistant)