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Prof. Dr. Christine Heim

Telefon +49 221 470-90341

E-Mail christine.heim(at)uni-koeln.de

Research interests

  • Reconstruction of recent and ancient ecosystems in the continental deep biosphere
  • Microbial mats and biosignatures from extreme environments
  • Diagenetic processes of biomarkers
  • Biogeochemistry of rivers and lakes
  • Microbial biomineralization processes


  • Biomarker analysis and compound specific isotopes
  • Biochemical monitoring of aquifers and surface waters
  • Cultivation and microscopy

Teaching (in German)

  • Leben und Lebensräume im Phanerozoikum
  • Fossile Invertebraten
  • Übungen zur Paläobiologie
  • Übungen zur Sedimentgeologie klastischer und kieseliger Gesteine
  • Mentoring/Support of students during their Bsc und Msc work