Non-reviewed publications
- Gebhardt C., Brigham-Grette J., Castañeda I., Melles M., Minyuk P., Wennrich V. (2024): From warm to cold: 2.6 million years of paleoclimate history from Lake El´gygytgyn, far-east Russia. PAGES Magazine, 32(2): 72-73.
- Gutjahr M., Elper O., Melles M. (2024): Summary and itinerary [in German and English]. - In: M. Gutjahr & O. Esper (Eds.), The Expedition PS140 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Cooperation Sea and Davis Sea in 2023/2024. - Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 790: 3-15.
- Melles M., Leicher N., Feller J., Schröter B., Jeromson M., Boren G., Gutjahr M., Berg S., Wagner B., Scheinert M., White D., Saunders K., King M., Selway K., Stål T., Reading A., Gore D. & Gibson J. (2024): Land geology and geodesy. - In: M. Gutjahr & O. Esper (Eds.), The Expedition PS140 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Cooperation Sea and Davis Sea in 2023/2024. - Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 790: 110-140.
- Zeeden, C.; Paknia, M., Scheidt, S.; Kaboth-Bahr, S.; Vinnepand, M.; Hoselmann, C. (2024): Erste paläomagnetische Ergebnisse der Bohrung ‚Riedstadt-Erfelden‘. Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen, 141.
- Martegani L., Gázquez F., Melles M., Schröder T. & Reicherter K. (2023): Arid conditions around the 8.2 ka event recorded by stable isotopes of gypsum in Laguna de Medina (Cádiz) [in Spanish]. - Geogaceta, 73: 43–46. doi: 10.55407/geogaceta 95513
- Melles M., Leicher N., Feller J., Schröter B., Jeromson M., Boren G., Gutjahr M., Scheinert M., White D., Berg S., Wagner B., Saunders K., King M., Selway K., Stål T. & Reading A. (2023): Continental geology and geodesy. - In: M. Gutjahr & I. Schewe (Eds.), Expedition Programme PS140, p. 34-47.
- Nowalczyk, N., Egli, R., Frederichs, T., Kotny, A., Korte, M., Lhuillier, F., Scheidt, S., Schnepp, E., Zeeden, C. (2023): Der neue DGG-Arbeitskreis Geomagnetik , Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 92: 65-67.
- McClymont E.L., Bentley M.J., Hodgson D.A., Spencer-Jones C.L., Wardley T., West M.D., Croudace I.W., Berg S., Grocke D.R., Kuhn G., Jamieson S.S.R., Sime L.C., Phillips R.A. (2022): Snow petrel stomach-oil deposits as a new biological archive of Antarctic sea ice. Past Global Changes Magazine, 30: 82-83.
- Berg S., Wagner B., Bennike O., Leicher N., Kappelsberger M., Heidrich-Meisner K., Gutjahr M., Melles M., Scheinert M. & White D. (2022): Continental geology and geodesy. - In: R. Tiedemann and J. Müller (eds.), The Expedition PS128 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Weddell Sea, Lazarew Sea, Riiser-Larsen Sea, Cosmonat Sea and Cooperation Sea in 2022. Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 764: 100-117.
- Sadokov D., Sapelko T., Melles M. & Fedorov G. (2022): Late-Glacial to Middle Holocene sedimentation in Lake Beloye (Vologda region, NW Russia) [Title and abstract in Russian]. Geomorfologiya, 53(3): 83-95. doi: 10.31857/S0435428122030142.
- Tiedemann R., Müller J. & Berg S. (2022): Summary and Itinerary. - In: R. Tiedemann and J. Müller (eds.), The Expedition PS128 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Weddell Sea, Lazarew Sea, Riiser-Larsen Sea, Cosmonat Sea and Cooperation Sea in 2022. Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 764: 3-22.
- Sadokov D.O., Sapelko T.V., Bobrov N.Yu., Melles M. & Fedorov G.B. (2022): Late Glacial and Early Holocene lacustrine sedimentation history of the northern Mologa-Sheksna Lowland derived from Lake Beloye sediments (NW Russia). - Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University, 67(2): 266-298 [in Russian]
- Gromig R., Fedorov G., Wagner B., Wennrich V. & Melles M. (2022). Community comment on "Improving age-depth correlations by using the LANDO model ensemble" by Gregor Pfalz et al. - Geochronology Discussions. doi: 10.5194/gchron-2021-40-CC1.
- Scheidt, S., Zeeden, C., Hambach, U., Melles, M.: Palaeomagnetism and environmental magnetism, in: The Journey of Modern Humans from Africa to Europe - Culture Environmental Interaction and Mobility, edited by: Litt, T., Richter, J., Schäbitz, F., Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, Germany, 316-320, 2021.
Sadokov D.O., Knoblauch C., Melles M., Mantke N. & Lendt R. (2020): C/N and δC13 patterns in lake sediments as a source of palaeoenvironmental information for the Mologa-Sheksna region (NW Russia). - Limnology and Freshwater Biology, 2020(4): 444-445. doi:10.31951/2658-3518-2020-A-4-444.
Fedorov G., Andreev A., Baumer M., Bolshiyanov D., Cherezova A., Gromig R., Kostromina N., Kostrova S., Krastel S., Lebas E., Ludikova A., Melles M., Meyer H., Pestryakova L., Savelieva L., Shumilovskikh L., Subetto D., Wagner B., Wennrich V., Werner M. (2020): Northern Eurasian large lakes history: sediment records obtained in the frame of Russian-German research project "PLOT". Limnology and Freshwater Biology, 2020(4): 517-519. doi:10.31951/2658-3518-2020-A-4-5.
Melles M., Wennrich V. (2020): Interactive comment on “Rapid waxing and waning of Beringian ice sheet reconcile glacial climate records from around North Pacific” by Zhongshi Zhang et al. Climate of the Past Discussions., 2020.
Overduin PP, Bolshiyanov DY, Melles M (2018): Lake sediments on Taymyr and Severnaya Zemlya as a climate archive. - In: H.-W. Hubberten et al. (eds.): 20 Years of Terrestrial Research in the Siberian Arctic, Alfred Wegener Institute Bremerhaven, p. 18-23 (in English, German and Russian).
Heinemann G., Braun M., Brey T., Damaske D., Melles M., Rhein M., Willmes S. (Hrsg.) (2017): Polarforschungsagenda 2030 - Status und Perspektiven der deutschen Polarforschung. Statusbericht des Deutschen Nationalkomitees SCAR/IASC der DFG, 160 pp.
Sylvestre F., Kröpelin S., Deschamps P., Cocquyt C., Adoum Bari S., Mazur J.C., Waldmann N., Do Amaral P., Doumnang J.C., Bouchez C., Melles M., Wennrich V. (2017): Palaeoenvironments and variations in palaeohydrologies of Lakes Tchad and Yoa during the past 12,000 years. - Proc. of the GELT Colloquium 2017 in N´Dschamena, Tschad, 16 pp.
Verkulich S.R., Pushina Z.V., Dorozhkina M.V., Melles M. & Rethemeyer J. (2016): Characte-rization of environmental conditions of the interstadial (MIS 3) deposits formation in King George Island (West Antarctica) based on the study of fossil diatom assemblages. Problemy Arktiki I Antarktiki (Problems of Arctic and Antarctica), 4(106): 109-119.
Francke, A. (2014): Understanding modern and past sedimentary processes in selected lakes from the High Arctic and the Mediterranean realm. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln:
Viehberg, F.A. (2014): Die Vergangenheit verstehen, um die Zukunft zu begreifen – Biodiversitätswandel in aquatischen Ökosystemen aus paläolimnologischer Sicht. In: Korn, H., Bockmühl, K. & Schliep, R. (Eds.): Biodiversität und Klima - Vernetzung der Akteure in Deutschland X, BfN-Skripten 357: 84-86. Download pdf
Viehberg F.A., Matzke-Karasz R., Park Boush L., Smith A.J. (2014): Fossil and recent meet Kempf database. Crustaceana 87 (8-9): 897-900.
Melles M., Bennicke O., Leng M., Ritter B., Viehberg F., White D. (2013): Late Quaternary climatic and environmental history of South Georgia. In: Bohrmann G. (ed.), The Expedition of the Research Vessel “Polarstern” to the Antarctic in 2013 (ANT-XXIX/4), Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 668: hdl:10013/epic.41984.d001.
Richter J., Melles M., Schäbitz F. (2012): Temporal and spatial corridors of Homo sapiens sapiens population dynamics during the Late Pleistocene and early Holocene. - Preface, Quaternary International, 274: 1-4. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2012.06.009.
Verkulich S.R., Pushina Z.V., Tatur A., Gilichinsky D.A., Abramov A.A. & Melles M. (2012): Late Pleistocene-Holocene environmental changes and diatom flora in the Schirmacher Oasis (East Antarctica) [in Russian]. Problems of Arctic and Antarctica, 2(92): 27-42.
- Brigham-Grette J., Melles M., Minyuk P. & Koeberl C. (2011): Millennial-scale Arctic climate change of the last 3.6 Million years: scientific drilling at Lake El’gygytgyn, Northeast Russia. - Oceanography 24(3): 80–81
- Hellmund M., Wennrich V., Becher H, Krichel A., Bruehlheide H. & Melles M. (2011): Zur Vegetationsgeschichte im Umfeld des Süßen Sees, Lkr. Mansfeld-Südharz – Ergebnisse von Pollen und Elementanalyse. - In: H.-R. Bork, H. Meller & R. Gerlach (Hrsg.): Umweltarchäologie - Naturkatastrophen und Umweltwandel im archäologischen Befund. - Tagungsband 3. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag, 111-127.
- Schäbitz F., Richter J. & Melles M. (2011): SFB 806 “Our Way to Europe”, Universität zu Köln. - GMit Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 44: 56-57.
- Brigham-Grette J., Melles M., Minyuk P. & Koeberl C. (2010): The Thrill to drill in the chill? Probing one of Earth´s best preserved impact craters to learn secrets of Arctic change. Earth Magazine, July 2010, 48-55.
- Gurk M., Maith I., Tougiannidis N., Tezkan B., Melles M. & Weber M. (2010): Combined electromagnetic and magnetic survey to study the basement structure of the Neogene Philippi Basin (northern Greece). – Proc. 4th Asian Physics Symposium, AIP Conf. Proc., 1325: 121-123.
- Melles M. & Dewald A. (2010): CologneAMS: Aufbau des Beschleuniger-Massenspektrometers in Köln auf gutem Weg. - GMit Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 39, 21-23.
Brigham-Grette J. & Melles M. (2009): Complex drilling logistics for Lake El´gygytgyn, NE Russia. Scientific Drilling, 7, 38-39.
Brigham-Grette J., Melles M., Minyuk P., Koeberl C. & Scientific Party (2009): Lake El´gygytgyn´s emerging IPY record of Pliocene to recent Arctic change. PAGES News, 17(1), 19-21.
Melles M. & Estrada S. (2009): Arbeitskreis Geologie und Geophysik der Polargebiete. - Festschrift 50 Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, 6-7.
Minyuk P.S., Melles M., Brigham-Grette J. & Koeberl C. (2009): Paleoclimatic records of Elgygytgyn Lake: a review of obtained study results and joint study prospects [in Russian]. NEISRI FEB RAS, 2, 23-30.
Pienitz R., Melles M. & Zolitschka B. (2009) Results of recent sediment drilling activities in deep crater lakes. PAGES News, 17(3), 117-118.
Rosén P., Vogel H., Cunningham L., Reuss N., Conley D. & Persson P. (2009): Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIRS): an important new technique for rapid quantitative analysis of biogeochemical properties from lake sediments. PAGES Newsletter Vol. 17, No 3.
Verkulich S.R., Pushina Z.V., Sokratova I.N., Melles M., Hultzsch N. & Diekmann B. (2009): Sea-level changes and glacioisostasy along the Antarctic coast during the Holocene [in Russian]. Data of Glaciological Studies, 102, 23-31.
- Wagner B., Bennike O., Berg S., Fritz M., Klatt O., Klug M., Muhle K., Ortlepp S., Vogel H. & White D. (2008): Late Quaternary environmental history of the Rauer Group, Prydz Bay region, as deduced from lake and marine basin sediments. Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 583, 80-94.
- Wagner B. & Melles M. (2007): The heterogeneity of Holocene climatic and environmental history along the East Antarctic coastal regions, in Antarctica. - In: A.K. Cooper, C.R. Raymond et al. (Eds.), A Keystone in a Changing World – Online Proceedings of the 10th ISAES, edited by, USGS Open-File Report 2007-104, Extended Abstract 161, 4 p.