Peer-reviewed publications
- Andreev A.A., Tarasov P.E., Lenz M., Lenz M.M., Scheidt S., Fedorov G.B., Wagner B., Melles M. (2024): Environmental changes on the northern Taymyr Peninsula (Russian Arctic) during the last 62 ka inferred from the lacustrine pollen record. Boreas,
- Leicher N, Monaco L, Giaccio B, Nomade S, Pereira A, Mannella G, Wulf S, Sottili G, Palladino DM, Zanchetta G, Wagner B (2024): Central Mediterranean tephrochronology for the time interval 250-320 ka derived from the Fucino sediment succession. Boreas 53,164-185.
- Palli J, Monaco L, Bini M, Cosma E, Giaccio B, Izdebski A, Masi A, Mensing S, Piovesan G, Rossi V, Sadori L, Wagner B, Zanchetta G (2024): The recent evolution of the salt marsh ‘Pantano Grande’ (NE Sicily, Italy): Interplay between natural and human activity in the last 3700 years. Journal of Quaternary Science 39, 327-339.
- Paine AR, Fendley IM, Frieling J, Lacey JH, Wagner B, Robinson SA, Pyle DM, Francke A, Them TR, Mather TM, Panagiotopoulos K (2024): Mercury records covering the past 90 ka from lakes Prespa and Ohrid, SE Europe. Biogeosciences 21, 531-556.
- Polo PV, Sadori L, Jiménez-Moreno G, Masi A, Giaccio B, Zanchetta G, Tzedakis PC, Wagner B (2024): Climate, vegetation, and environmental change during the MIS 12-MIS 11 glacial-interglacial transition inferred from a high-resolution pollen record from the Fucino Basin of central Italy. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 655,112486. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2024.112486.
- Ucar, H., Kletetschka, G., Egli, R., Mach, K., Petronis, M. S., Grison, H., Scheidt, S., Schnabl, P. & Kdyr, S. (2024): Enigmatic mixture of magnetite magnetofossils and diagenetic greigite as the magnetic carriers of the Early Miocene lacustrine sediments from the Most Basin in Central Europe. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors, 107216.
- Berg S., Kusch S., Jivcov S. (2024): Alkyl lipid distributions and compound-specific 14C isotope compositions in diverse sedimentary archives in sub-Antarctic South Georgia: Deconvolving (past and present) marine and terrestrial sources and revealing localized export dynamics in response to environmental change. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129: e2024JG008001.
- Varma D., Hopmans E., van Kemenade Z., Kusch S., Berg S., Bale N., Sangiorgi F., Reichart G.-J., Sinninghe Damsté J., Schouten J. (2024): Evaluating isoprenoidal hydroxylated GDGT-based temperature proxies in surface sediments from the global ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 370: 113-127.
- Suhrhoff T.J., Rickli J., Christl M., Vologina E.G., Prokopenko A. & Vance D. (2024): Extracting paleo-weathering signals from authigenic phases in lake sediments: a case-study of Lake Baikal. - Chemical Geology, 654: 122054. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122054.
- Vargas-Machuca B.D., Piperno D.R., Böhnert T., Stoll A., Maldonado A., Arancio G., Wennrich V. & Melles M. (2024): Regional phytoliths from the Coastal Cordillera of the Atacama Desert, Chile, and their potential for paleoecological studies. - Quaternary International, 681: 33-43. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2024.01.005.
- Wennrich V., Böhm C., Brill D., Carballeira R., Hoffmeister D., Jaeschke A., Kerber F., Maldonado A., May S.M., Olivares L., Opitz S., Rethemeyer J., Reyers M., Ritter B., Schween J.H., Sevinç F., Steiner J., Walber-Hellmann K. & Melles M. (2024): Late Pleistocene to modern precipitation changes at the Paranal clay pan, central Atacama Desert. - Global and Planetary Change, 233: 104349. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104349.
- Thew, N., Kälin, D., Cuenca-Bescós, G., Buechi, M. W., Penkman, K., Scheidt, S., Knipping, M., Maier, F., Urresti, I. & Deplazes, G. 2024: The Hasli Formation of the Irchel Plateau – A key record for older Early Pleistocene interglacial sediments in northern Switzerland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 332, 108550.
- Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., Lenz, M., Lenz, M.M., Scheidt, S., Fedorov, G.B., Wagner, B. and Melles, M. (2024), Environmental changes on the northern Taymyr Peninsula (Russian Arctic) during the last 62 ka inferred from the lacustrine pollen record. Boreas.
- Lenz MM, Scheuer R, Zhang X, Jaeschke A, Opitz S, Leicher N, Pöllen M, Xu X, Rethemeyer J, Rahmedinov E, Abdrakhmatov K, Wennrich, V, Wagner B (2023): Modern sedimentation patterns in Lake Issyk Kul (Kyrgyzstan), derived from surface sediment and inlet stream samples. Earth and Space Science, 10. 10.1029/2022EA002541.
- Wöstehoff L, Kappenberg A, Lehndorff E, Wagner B, Panagiotopoulos K, Amelung W, (2023): An Upper Pleistocene and Holocene Black Carbon-related Fire Record from the SW Balkans. Paleoceanography 38, e2022PA004579.
- Obrist-Farner, J., Echkert, A., Douglas, P. M. J., Perez, L., Correa-Metrio, A., Konecky, B. L., Bauersachs, T., Zimmermann, S., Scheidt, S., Brenner, M., Kutterolf, S., Maurer, J., Flores, O., Burberry, C. M., Noren, A., Mybro, A., Lachniet, M., Wattrus, N., Gibson, D. & the LIBRE scientific team (2023): Planning for the Lake Izabal Basin Research Endeavor (LIBRE) continental scientific drilling project in eastern Guatemala. Scientific Drilling, 32, 85-100.
- Berg S., Emmerson L., Heim C., Buchta E., Fromm T., Glaser B. Hermichen W.-D., Rethemeyer J., Southwell C., Wand U., Zech M. & Melles M. (2023): Reconstructing the paleo-ecological diet of snow petrels (Pagodroma nivea) from modern samples and fossil deposits: implications for Southern Ocean paleoenvironmental reconstructions. - Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128: e2023JG007454. doi: 10.1029/2023JG 007454.
- Nienhaus H., Yogeshwar P., Mörbe W., Tezkan B., Büttner C., Legler M., Buske S., Lushetile B., Wennrich V. & Melles M. (2023): Geophysical and geological exploration of the Aurus Clay Pan as an archive of the long-term climatic and environmental history of the Namib Desert. - Global and Planetary Change, 230: 104259. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104259.
- Scheidt, S., Buechi, M.W., Egli, R., Biedermann, A.R., Deplazes, G. (2023): Palaeomagnetic and mineral magnetic analyses of the Deckenschotter of northern Switzerland and southern Germany, Swiss Journal of Geoscience, n/a; n/a (online first),
- Wagner B., Tauber P., Francke A., Leicher N., Binnie S.A., Cvetkoska A., Jovanovska E., Just J., Lacey J.H., Levkov Z., Lindhorst K., Kouli K., Krastel S., Panagiotopoulos K., Ulfers A., Zaova D., Donders T.H., Grazhdani A., Koutsodendris A., Leng M.J., Sadori L., Scheinert M., Vogel H., Wonik T., Zanchetta G. & Wilke T. (2023): The geodynamic and limnological evolution of Balkan Lake Ohrid, possibly the oldest extant lake in Europe. - Boreas, 52: 1-26. doi: 10.1111/bor.12601.
- Leicher N., Giaccio B., Pereira A., Nomade S., Monaco L., Mannella G., Galli P., Peronance E., Palladino D.M., Sottili G., Zanchetta G. & Wagner B. (2023): Central Mediterranean tephrochronology between 313 and 366 ka: New insights from the Fucino palaeolake sediment succession. Boreas.
Francke A, Lacey J, Marchegiano M, Wagner B, Ariztegui D, Zanchetta G, Kusch S, Ufer K, Baneschi I, Knödgen K (2022): Last Glacial central Mediterranean hydrology inferred from Lake Trasimeno’s (Italy) calcium carbonate geochemistry. Boreas 51, 219-237.
Jovanovska E, Hauffe T, Stelbrink B, Cvetkoska A, Levkov Z, Wagner B, Lacey JH, Ognjanova-Rumenova N, Hamilton PB, Brandenburg K, Albrecht C, Wilke T (2022): Environmental filtering drives assembly of diatom communities over evolutionary timescales. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31, 954-967.
Ulfers A, Zeeden C, Wagner B, Krastel S, Buness H, Wonik T (2022): Borehole logging and seismic data from Lake Ohrid (North Macedonia/Albania) as a basis for age-depth modelling over the last one million years. Quaternary Science Reviews 276, 107295.
Zaova D, Cvetkoska A, Wagner B, Francke A, Vogel H, Levkov Z, Jovanovska E (2022): Diatom community responses to environmental change in Lake Ohrid (Balkan Peninsula) during the mid-Pleistocene Transition. Quaternary International 622, 1-9.
White D., Fink D., Lilly K., O'Brien P., Dorschel B., Berg S., Bennike O., Gore D.B., Fabel D., Blaxell M., Jeromson M., Codilean A.T., Wilken K.W., Galton-Fenzi B. & Wagner B. (2022): Rapid ice sheet response to deglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental changes in eastern Prydz Bay, East Antarctica. - Quaternary Science Reviews, 280: 107401. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107401.
McClymont E., Bentley M.J., Hodgson D.A., Spencer-Jones C.L., Wardley T., West M.D., Croudace I.W., Berg S., Gröcke D.R., Kuhn G., Jamieson S.S.R., Sime L. & Phillips R.A. (2022): Summer sea-ice variability on the Antarctic margin during the last glacial period reconstructed from snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea) stomach-oil deposits. - Climate of the Past, 18: 381-403, doi: 10.5194/cp-18-381-2022.
Ritter B., Diederich-Leicher J.L., Binnie S.A., Stuart F.M., Wennrich V., Bolten A. & Dunai T.J. (2022): Impact of CaSO4-rich soil on Miocene surface preservation and Quaternary sinuous to meandering channel forms in the hyperarid Atacama Desert. - Scientific Reports, 12: 17951. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-22787-9.
Blanco-Arrué B., Yogeshwar P., Tezkan B., Mörbe W., Díaz D., Farah B., Buske S., Ninneman L., Domagala J.P., Diederich-Leicher J.L., Gebhardt A.C. & Wennrich V. (2022): Exploration of sedimentary deposits in the Atacama Desert, Chile, using integrated geophysical techniques. - Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 115: 103746. doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2022.103746.
Monaco L., Leicher N., Palladino D.M., Arienzo I., Marra F., Petrelli M., Nomade S., Pereira A., Sottili G., Conticelli S., D'Antonio M., Fabbrizio A., Jicha B.R., Mannella G., Petrosino P., Regattieri E., Tzedakis P.C., Wagner B., Zanchetta G. & Giaccio B. (2022): The Fucino 250–170 ka tephra record: new insights on peri-Tyrrhenian explosive volcanism, Central Mediterranean tephrochronology, and timing of the MIS 8-6 climate variability. Quaternary Science Reviews, 296: 107797. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107797.
Çapraz Ç., Külköylüoğlu O., Akdemir D. & Yavuzatmaca M. (2022): Determining effective environmental factors and ecology of non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea) in Giresun, Turkey. International Journal of Limnology, 58: 3.
von Hippel B., Stoof-Leichsenring K.R., Schulte L., Seeber P., Epp L.S., Biskaborn B.K., Diekmann B., Melles M., Pestryakova L. & Herzschuh U. (2022): Long-term fungus-plant covariation from multi-site sedimentary ancient DNA metabarcoding. - Quaternary Science Reviews, 295: 107758. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107758.
Lenz M., Lebas E., Lenz M.M., Fedorov G., Gromig R., Kolka V., Krastel S., Leicher N., Melles M. & Wagner B. (2022): Highly variable sediment deposition in Lake Imandra, NW Russia, since the Late Pleistocene. - Journal of Quaternary Science, 37(5): 745-764. doi: 10.1002/jqs.3353.
Lenz, M.M., Andreev, A., Nazarova, L., Syrykh, L. S., Scheidt, S., Haflidason, H., Meyer, H., Brill, D., Wagner, B., Gromig, R., Lenz, M., Rolf, C., Kuhn, G., Fedorov, G., Svendsen, J. I., and Melles, M. (2022): Climate, glacial and vegetation history of the polar Ural Mountains since c. 27 cal ka bp, inferred from a 54 m long sediment core from Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye, Journal of Quaternary Science37(5), 14, 818-835,
Lenz, M., Lenz, M.M., Andreev, A., Scheidt, S., Gromig, R., Lebas, E., Fedorov, G., Krastel, S., Melles, M., and Wagner, B. (2022): Climate and environmental history at Lake Levinson-Lessing, Taymyr Peninsula, during the last 62 kyr, Journal of Quaternary Science, 37(5), 14, 836-850,
Gromig, R., Grunert, P., Scheidt, S., & Melles, M. (2022). Postglacial shelf erosion, riverine input and lake drainage in the eastern Kara Sea, Russia. Marine Geology, 106865.
Andreev A.A., Nazarova L.B., Lenz M.M., Böhmer T., Syrykh L., Wagner B., Melles M., Pestryakova L.A. & Herzschuh U. (2022): Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental reconstructiom from sediments of Lake Emanda (Verkhoyansk Mountains, East Siberia). - Journal of Quaternary Science, 37(5): 884-899. doi: 10.1002/jqs.3419.
Gromig R., Lebas E., Savelieva L., Pushina Z., Fedorov G., Brill D., Lenz M.M., Krastel S., Wagner B., Kostromina N., Mustafin M. & Melles M. (2022): Sedimentation history of Lake Taymyr, Central Russian Arctic, since the Last Glacial Maximum. - Journal of Quaternary Science, 37(5): 851-867. doi: 10.1002/jqs.3342.
Melles M., Svendsen J.I., Fedorov G., Brigham-Grette J. & Wagner B. (2022): Quaternary environmental and climatic history of the northern high latitudes - recent contributions and perspectives from lake sediment records. - Journal of Quaternary Science, 37(5): 721-728. doi: 10.1002/jqs.3456.
Schulte L., Meucci S., Stoof-Leichsenring K.R., Heitkam T., Schzmidt N., von Hippel B., Andreev A.A., Diekmann B., Biskaborn B.K., Wagner B., Melles M., Pestryakova L.A., Alsos I.G., Clarke C., Krutovsky K.V. & Herzschuh U. (2022): Larix species range dynamics in Siberia since the Last Glacial captured from sedimentary ancient DNA. - Communications Biology, 5: 570. doi: 10.1038/s42003-22-03455-0.
Zhao W., Andreev A.A., Wennrich V., Li Q. & Melles M. (2022): Quaternary environmental changes in central Chukotka (NE Russia) inferred from Lake El’gygytgyn pollen records. - Journal of Quaternary Science, 37(5): 915-927. doi: 10.1002/jqs.3408.
Scheidt, S., Lenz, M., Egli, R., Brill, D., Klug, M., Fabian, K., Lenz, M.M., Gromig, R., Rethemeyer, J., Wagner, B., Federov, G., Melles, M. (2022): A 62-ka geomagnetic palaeointensity record from the Taymyr Peninsula, Russian Arctic, Geochronology, 4(1), 87 - 107,
- Kostrova S.S., Biskaborn B.K., Pestryakova L.A., Fernandoy F., Lenz M.M., Meyer H. (2021): Climate and environmental changes of the Lateglacial transition and Holocene in northeastern Siberia: Evidence from diatom oxygen isotopes and assemblage composition at Lake Emanda. Quaternary Science Reviews, 259: 106905.
- Bennike O, Jensen JB, Nørgaard-Pedersen N, Andresen KJ, Seidenkrantz MS, Moros M, Wagner B (2021): When were the straits between the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat inundated by the sea during the Holocene? Boreas 50, 1079-1094.
- Cvetkoska A, Jovanovska E, Hauffe T, Donders TH, Levkov Z, Van de Waal DB, Reed J, Francke A, Vogel H, Wilke T, Wagner B, Wagner-Cremer F (2021): Drivers of phytoplankton community structure change with ecosystem ontogeny during the Quaternary. Quaternary Science Reviews 265, 107046.
- Donders TH, Panagiotopoulos K, Koutsodendris A, Bertini A, Mercuri AM, Masi A, Combourieu-Nebout N, Joannin S, Kouli K, Kousis I, Peyron O, Torri P, Florenzano A, Francke A, Wagner B, Sadori L (2021): 1.36 million years of Mediterranean forest refugium dynamics in response to glacial-interglacial cycle strength. PNAS 118, (34) e2026111118.
- Leicher N, Giaccio B, Zanchetta G, Sulpizio R, Albert P, Tomlinson E, Lagos M, Francke A, Wagner B (2021): Lake Ohrid’s tephrochronological dataset reveals 1.36 Ma of Mediterranean explosive volcanic activity. Nature Scientific Data 8, 231.
- Monaco L, Palladino DM, Gaeta M, Marra F, Sottili G, Leicher N, Mannella G, Nomade S, Pereira A, Regattieri E, Wagner B, Zanchetta G, Albert P, Arienzo I, D´Antonio M, Petrosino P, Manning CJ, Giaccio B (2021): Mediterranean tephrostratigraphy and peri-Tyrrhenian explosive activity revaluated in the light of the 430-365 ka record from Fucino basin (central Italy). Earth Science Reviews 220, 103706.
- Allstädt F.J., Koutsodendris A., Appel E., Rösler W., Reichgelt T. Kaboth-Bahr S., Prokopenko A.A., & Pross J. (2021): Late Pliocene to early Pleistocene climate dynamics in western North America based on a new pollen record from paleo-Lake Idaho. - Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 101: 177-195. doi: 10.1007/s12549-020-00460-1.
- Külköylüoğlu O., Yavuzatmaca M., Yılmaz O., Tunoğlu C., Akdemir D., Nazik A. & Tuncer A. (2021): Zoogeographical and stratigraphical distribution of the genus Zonocypris: Supportive evidence for Anatolian Diagonal and description of a new species from Turkey. BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin, 192, 1.
- Külköylüoğlu O., Yavuzatmaca M. & Akdemir D. (2021): Occurrence Patterns, Photoperiod and Dispersion Ability of the Non-Marine Ostracoda (Crustacea) in Shallow Waters. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 21: 73-85.
- Dummann W., Steinig S., Hofmann P., Lenz M., Kusch S., Flögel S., Herrle J.O., Hallmann C., Rethemeyer J., Kasper H.U. & Wagner T. (2021): Driving mechanisms of organic carbon burial in the Early Cretaceous South Atlantic Cape Basin (DSDP Site 361). - Climate of the Past, 17: 469-490. doi: 10.5194/cp-2020-15.
- Dummann W., Schröder-Adams C., Hofmann P., Rethemeyer J. & Herrle J.O. (2021): Carbon isotope and sequence stratigraphy of the upper Isachsen Formation on Axel Heiberg Island (Nun.vut, Canada): High-Arctic expression of OAE 1a in a deltaic environment. - Geosphere, 17: 501-510. doi: 10.1130/GES02335.1.
- Dummann W., Hofmann P., Herrle J., Wennrich V. & Wagner T. (2021): A refined model of Early Cretaceous South Atlantic–Southern Ocean gateway evolution based on high-resolution data from DSDP Site 511 (Falkland Plateau). - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 562: 110113. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110113.
- Berg S., Jivcov S., Kusch S., Kuhn G., White D., Bohrmann G., Melles M. & Rethemeyer J. (2021): Increased petrogenic and biospheric organic carbon burial in sub-Antarctic fjord sediments in response to recent glacier retreat. - Limnology and Oceanography, 66(12): 4347-4362. doi: 10.1002/lno.11965.
- Sheppard R.Y., Milliken R.E., Russell J.M., Sklute E.C., Dyar M.D., Vogel H., Melles M., Bijaksana S., Hasberg A.K.M. & Morlock M.A. (2021): Iron mineralogy and sediment color in a 100 m drill core from Lake Towuti, Indonesia, reflect catchment and diagenetic conditions. - Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22(8): e2020GC009582, doi: 10.1029/2020GC009582.
- Andreev A., Dietze E., Glushkova O., Smirnov V., Wennrich V. & Melles M. (2021): The environment at Lake El'gygytgyn area (northeastern Russian Arctic) prior to and after the meteorite impact at 3.58 Ma - Frontiers in Earth Science, 9: 636983. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.636983.
- Baumer M.M., Wagner B., Meyer H., Leicher N., Lenz M., Fedorov G., Pestryakova L.A. & Melles M., (2021): Climatic and environmental changes at Lake Emanda, Yana Highlands, Yakutia, over the last c. 60.000 years. - Boreas, 50: 114-133. doi: 10.1111/bor.12476.
- Friesé A., Bauer K., Glombitza C., Ordoñez L., Ariztegui D., Heuer V.B., Vuillemin A., Henny C., Nomosatryo S., Simister R., Wagner D., Bijaksana S., Vogel H., Melles M., Russell J., Crowe S.A. & Kallmeyer J. (2021): Organic matter mineralization in modern and ancient ferruginous sediments. - Nature Communications., 12: 2216. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22453-0.
- Lenz M., Savelieva L., Frolova L., Cherezova A., Moros M., Baumer M., Gromig R., Kostromina N., Nigmatullin N., Kolka V., Wagner B., Fedorov G. & Melles M. (2021): Lateglacial and Holocene environmental history of the central Kola region, northwestern Russia, revealed by a sediment succession from Lake Imandra. - Boreas, 50: 76-100. doi: 10.1111/bor.12465.
- Ludikova A.V., Subetto D.A., Andreev A.A., Gromig R., Fedorov G.B. & Melles M. (2021): The first dated preglacial diatom record in Lake Ladoga: long-term marine influence or redeposition story? - Journal of Paleolimnology, 65: 85-99. doi: 10.1007/s10933-020-00150-0.
- Scheidt S., Egli R., Lenz M., Rolf C., Fabian K & Melles M. (2021): Mineral magnetic characterization of highlatitude sediments from Lake Levinson-Lessing, Siberia. - Geophysical Research Letters, 48: e2021GL093026. doi: 10.1029/2021GL093026.
- Scheidt S., Berg S., Hambach U.F., Klasen N., Pötter S., Stolz A., Veres D., Zeeden C., Brill D., Brückner H., Kusch S., Laag C., Lehmkuhl F., Melles M., Monnens F., Oppermann L., Rethemeyer J. & Nett J.J. (2021): Chronological assessment of the Balta Alba Kurgan loess-paleosol section (Romania) – a comparative study on different dating methods for a robust and precise age model. - Frontiers in Earth Science, 8: 598448. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.598448.
- Lebas E., Gromig R., Krastel S., Wagner B., Fedorov G., Görtz C., Averes T., Subetto D., Naumenko M. & Melles M. (2021): Pre-glacial and post-glacial history of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in Russia - evidence from Lake Ladoga. Quaternary Science Reviews, 251: 106637. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106637.
Francke A, Dessoto A, Just J, Wagner B, BG Jones (2020): Assessment of the controls on (234U/238U) activity ratios recorded in detrital lacustrine sediments. Chemical Geology 550, 119698.
Jaeschke A, Thienemann M, Schefuß E, Urban J, Schäbitz F, Wagner B, Rethemeyer J, (2020): Holocene hydroclimate variability and vegetation response in the Ethiopian highlands (Lake Dendi). Frontiers 8, 585770,
López-Blanco C, Tasevska O, Kostoski G, Wagner B, Wilke T (2020): Ancient civilizations already had an impact on cladoceran assemblages in Europe´s oldest lake. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 552, 109734.
Mannella G, Giaccio B, Zanchetta G, Regattieri E, Niespolo E, Pereira A, Renne P, Nomade S, Leicher N, Perchiazzi N, Wagner B (2020): Effects of organic removal techniques prior to carbonate stable isotope analysis of lacustrine marls: a case study from palaeo-lake Fucino (central Italy). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 34:e8623
Marchegiano M, Horne DJ, Gliozzi E, Francke A, Wagner B, Ariztegui D (2020): Rapid Late Pleistocene climate change reconstructed from a lacustrine ostracod record in central Italy (Lake Trasimeno, Umbria). Boreas 49, 739-750.
Thomas C, Francke A, Vogel H, Wagner B, Ariztegui D (2020): Weak influence of paleoenvironmental conditions on the subsurface biosphere of Lake Ohrid in the last 515 ka. Microorganisms 8, 1736, 10.3390/microorganisms8111736.
Wilke T, Hauffe T, Jovanovska E, Cvetkoska A, Donders TH, Ekschmitt K, Francke A, Lacey JH, Levkov Z, Marshall CR, Neubauer TA, Silvestro D, Stelbrink B, Vogel H, Albrecht C, Holtvoeth J, Krastel S, Leicher N, Leng MJ, Lindhorst K, Masi A, Ognjanova_Rumenova N, Panagiotopoulos K, Reed JM, Sadori L, Tofilovska S, Van Bocxlaer B, Wagner-Cremer F, Wesselingh FP, Wolters V, Zanchetta G, Zhang XS, Wagner B (2020): Deep drilling reveals massive shifts in evolutionary dynamics after formation of ancient lake ecosystem. Science Advances 6, no. 40, eabb2943
Allstädt F.J., Appel E., Rösler W., Prokopenko A.A., Neumann U., Wenzel T. & Pross J. (2020): Downward remagnetization of a ∼74-m-thick zone in lake sediments from palaeo-Lake Idaho (NW United States)—Locating the Gauss/Matuyama geomagnetic boundary within a dual-polarity zone. - Geophysical. Journal International, 222: 754–768. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggaa165.
- Aránguiz-Acuña A., Luque J.A., Pizarro H., Cerda M., Heine-Fuster I., Valdés J., Fernández-Galego E. & Wennrich V. (2020): Aquatic community structure as sentinel of recent environmental changes unraveled from lake sedimentary records from the Atacama Desert, Plos One, 15(2): e0229453. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0229453.
- Berg S., Jivcov S., Kusch S., Kuhn G., Wacker L. & Rethemeyer J. (2020): Compound-specific radiocarbon analysis of (Sub-)Antarctic coastal marine sediments - potential and challenges for chronologies. - Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35: e2020PA003890. doi 10.1029/2020PA003890.
- Dietze E., Mangelsdorf K., Andreev A., Karger C., Schreuder L.T., Hopmans E.C., Rach O., Sachse D., Wennrich V. & Herzschuh U. (2020): Relationships between low-temperature fires, climate and vegetation during the last 430 kyr in northeastern Siberia reconstructed from monosaccharide anhydrides in Lake El’gygytgyn sediments. - Climate of the Past, 16: 799-818. doi: 10.5194/cp-16-799-2020.
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