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BSc-Arbeit (Betreuer: Dr. S. Binnie / Dr. J. Mohren)

"Photogrammetry-based quantitative assessment of weathering affecting erratics from the Thala hills, Antarctica" (in English)

Rock weathering and erosion can affect exposure ages inferred from cosmogenic nuclide concentrations measured in erratics. This project focusses on weathered erratic cobbles/boulders sampled in Enderby Land, Antarctica. The samples were taken to constrain late Quaternary ice retreat in the region.

The main work packages of the B.Sc. thesis are:

  1. (optional) Acquire images from the samples as input for photogrammetric reconstructions
  2. Perform the photogrammetric modelling using a GUI-based program (Agisoft Metashape ver. 2.0)
  3. Characterise the mode of weathering
  4. Estimate the respective volumes lost through rock weathering using a GUI-based program (CloudCompare)

The overall aim of the project is to provide a correction measure for the cosmogenic nuclide analyses of the samples.