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  • Cs3Sr[Cu2(SCN)7]

  • Cs3Ba[Cu2(SCN)7]

  • Cs3Sr[Ag2(SCN)7]

  • Cs3Ba[Ag2(SCN)7]

Garsche, M., Tillmanns, E., Bauer, T., Fischer, R.X.  Bohatý, L.:  Powder diffraction data of four complex cesium thicyanates: Cs3 A[B2(SCN)7], with A = Sr, Ba and B = Ag, Cu. Powder Diff. 6 (1991) 111-113.

Bohatý, L. & Fröhlich, R.: Crystal growth, crystal structure, optical, electro-optic and electrostrictive properties of the complex silver thiocyanates Cs3Sr[Ag2(SCN)7] and Cs3Ba[Ag2(SCN)7]. Z. Kristallogr. 198 (1992) 33-39.

Hellwig, H., Ahrweiler, S., Held, P., Kim-Zajonz, J. & Bohatý, L.: Linear optical properties of the nonlinear optical complex thiocyanates of type Cs3MII[M2I(SCN)7] (MI = Cu, Ag; MII = Sr, Ba). phys. stat. sol. (a) 176 (1999) 1061-1069.

Kim, J., Held, P. & Bohatý, L.: Kristallzüchtung und Kristallstruktur des komplexen Thiocyanates Cs3Ba[Cu2(SCN)7]. Eur. J. Mineral. 5 (1993), Beih., 201.