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PLOT – Paleolimnological Transect: climate and vegetation history from lake sediments

The subproject of the BMBF project “PLOT - Paleolimnological Transect” that is carried out at the University of Cologne focuses on the reconstruction of climate and vegetation changes along a 6000 km long latitudinal transect from Lake Ladoga in the west to Lake El´gygytgyn in the East (see map). The reconstruction is based on multi-disciplinary geoscientific analyses of up to 30 m long sediment cores from five lakes, which are to be compared to respective data from the master record that was drilled in 2009 within the scope of the El´gygytgyn Drilling Project. The subproject at the University of Cologne furthermore is responsible for the coordination of the German activities in the Russian-German PLOT project, which is carried out under the umbrella of a bilateral agreement of the Russian and German research ministries on scientific collaboration in the fields of polar and marine research.

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