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Curriculum Vitae

Academic training

Habilitation, Dr. rer. nat. habil. University of Cologne, Prof. T. Dunai
Thesis title: "Tracking aridification using an interdisciplinary approach - Applications, challenges and limitations of dating techniques in arid to hyperarid environments"

Since 07/2020
Scientific Coordinator CRC1211 - Earth Evolution at the dry limit

Promotion, PhD / Dr. rer. nat. University of Cologne, Prof. T. Dunai
Thesis title: "Landscape and climate evolution in arid to hyperarid climates with special focus on the Atacama Desert."

M.Sc. in Geoscience, University of Cologne, Dr. B. Wagner & Dr. H. Vogel
Thesis title: "High suspension discharge events in Lake Torneträsk and linkage to climate variability during the Holocene, NW Sweden"
Cooperation University of Cologne & University Bern (Dr. H. Vogel)

B.Sc. in Geoscience, University of Cologne, Prof. M. Melles, Dr. V. Wennrich
Thesis title: "Kalibration von RFA-Scannermessungen anhand von Seesedimenten des El'Gygytgyn-See's / NE Sibirien"

Expeditions / Scientific stays

07 2019
Joint fiel campaign in the Atacama Desert with Sernageomin (Geological Survey Chile)


09-10 2018
Organisation MSc-Student Excursion Chile

05 2018
CRC1211 - Pre-Excursion Namibia

03-04 2018
Oman Fieldtrip

09-10 2017
CRC1211 - Field Campaign Atacama Desert

02-04 2017
CRC1211 - Organisation of the introduction Field-Work for CRC participants

CRC1211 - Kick-Off Meeting / Workshop Hornitos

CRC1211 - Field Campaign Atacama Desert

09-10 2016
Scientific stay at SUERC/Glasgow for Noble-Gas Mass-Spectrometry

02-03 2015
Chile expedition “Atacama desert – Earth Evolution at the dry limit” Pilot studies and sampling

01-02 2015
Scientific stay at SUERC/Glasgow for Noble-Gas Mass-Spectrometry

02-03 2014
Chile expedition “Atacama desert – Earth Evolution at the dry limit”Sampling of alluvial fan systems, meander & terraces,coring of Clay Pan’s for climate reconstructions, Paleo-Lake level reconstructions

03-04 2013
Polarstern XXIX/4 South Georgia & South Sandwich-Islands Late Quaternary climatic and environmental history of South Georgia Coring of Little Jason Lagoon and several fresh water lakes

Teaching - BSc & MSc Supervision


WS17/18; WS18/19  “Landschaftsbildende Prozesse” (BSc 5.Sem.)

Field Courses

Field Methods in Earth surface Processes (MSc): 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

  • Application of modern GIS software & equipment in the field
  • Orthophotography using drones (monowings, hexacopter)
  • Digital Elevation Model reconstruction using satellite imagery (Pléiades 1B, SPOT-6)

Field Methods Paleolimnology with Dr. F. Viehberg 06/2014



MSc Student Field Exkursion Chile


CRC1211 Introduction Field-Work


Geology and Geomorphology of Scotland, MSc fieldtrip with Dr. S. Binnie


Geology and Geomorphology of Scotland, MSc. fieldtrip with Dr. S. Binnie