Silicates, Germanates
- Ca2MgSi2O7 (undoped and doped Ca2MgSi2O7 :Nd3+,Na+ )
Bohatý, L. & Liebertz, J.:Kristalle der Melilith-Reihe. II. Elektrooptische und elektrostriktive Eigenschaften.
Z. Kristallogr. 159 (1982) 277-281.
Kaminskii, A. A., Nakao, H., Bohatý, L., Becker, P., Liebertz, J., Kleinschrodt, R., Ueda, K. & Shirakawa, A.:
Stimulated emission (4F3/2 ®4I11/2 channel) with LD and Xe-flashlamp pumping of tetragonal, incommensurately modulated Ca2MgSi2O7:Nd3+(Na+) – a new disordered laser crystal. Laser Phys. Lett. 7 (2010) 876 – 883
Kaminskii, A. A., Nakao, H., Shirakawa, A., Ueda, K., Liebertz, J., , Becker, P. & Bohatý, L.: CW one-micron (4F3/2 ®4I11/2) laser oscillation of Nd3+ ions in the melilite-type crystal Ca2MgSi2O7:Nd3+(Na+) at its incommensurate-commensurate phase transition. Appl. Phys. B 103 (2011) 629-635.
Nakao, H., Shirakawa, A., Ueda, K., Bohatý, L., Becker, P. & Kaminskii, A. A.: Na,Nd co-doped Ca2MgSi2O7 laser. The European Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO / Europe), München, 22.05.2005, CLEO/Europe and EQEC 2011 Conference Digest, OSA Technical Digest (CD), paper CA_P17 (CA Poster Session).
Wildner, M., Andrut, M., Liebertz, J. & Bohatý, L.:
Polarized electronic absorption spectra of NiO4 tetrahedra in Ni2+-doped åkermanite Ca2Mg(Si2O7).
Eur. J. Mineral. 11 (1999) Beih. 243.
Wildner, M., Andrut, M., Liebertz, J. & Bohatý, L.:
Polarized electronic absorption spectra of NiO4 tetrahedra in Ni2+-doped åkermanite Ca2Mg(Si2O7).
Eur. J. Mineral. 11 (1999) Beih. 243.
Bohatý, L. & Liebertz, J.: Kristalle der Melilith-Reihe. II. Elektrooptische und elektrostriktive Eigenschaften.
Z. Kristallogr. 159 (1982) 277-281.
Becker, P., Held, P., Liebertz, J. & Bohatý, L.: Optical properties of the germanate melilites Sr2MgGe2O7, Sr2ZnGe2O7 and Ba2ZnGe2O7. Cryst. Res. Technol. 44 (2009) 603 - 612.
Kaminskii, A. A., Bohatý, L., Becker, P., Liebertz, J., Eichler, H. J., Rhee, H. & Hanuza, J.: Cascaded nonlinear-laser interactions in melilite-type crystals of Sr2MgGe2O7 and Ba2ZnGe2O7. Laser Phys. Lett. 7 (2010) 528-543.
Hanuza, J., Maczka, M., Ptak, M., Lorenc, J., Hermanowicz, K. , Becker, P., Bohatý, L. & Kaminskii, A. A.:
Polarised IR and Raman spectra, temperature dependence of phonons and lattice dynamic calculations for M´2M´´Ge2O7 pyrogermanates ( M´=Sr, Ba; M´´= Mg, Zn). J. Raman Spectrosc. 42 (2011) 782-789.
Bohatý, L. & Liebertz, J.: Kristalle der Melilith-Reihe. II. Elektrooptische und elektrostriktive Eigenschaften.
Z. Kristallogr. 159 (1982) 277-281.
Becker, P., Held, P., Liebertz, J. & Bohatý, L.: Optical properties of the germanate melilites Sr2MgGe2O7, Sr2ZnGe2O7 and Ba2ZnGe2O7. Cryst. Res. Technol. 44 (2009) 603 - 612.
Kaminskii, A. A., Bohatý, L., Becker, P., Liebertz, J., Eichler, H. J., Rhee, H. & Hanuza, J.: Cascaded nonlinear-laser interactions in melilite-type crystals of Sr2MgGe2O7 and Ba2ZnGe2O7. Laser Phys. Lett. 7 (2010) 528-543.
Hanuza, J., Maczka, M., Ptak, M., Lorenc, J., Hermanowicz, K. , Becker, P., Bohatý, L. & Kaminskii, A. A.:
Polarised IR and Raman spectra, temperature dependence of phonons and lattice dynamic calculations for M´2M´´Ge2O7 pyrogermanates ( M´=Sr, Ba; M´´= Mg, Zn). J. Raman Spectrosc. 42 (2011) 782-789.
Bohatý, L. & Liebertz, J.: Kristalle der Melilith-Reihe. II. Elektrooptische und elektrostriktive Eigenschaften.
Z. Kristallogr. 159 (1982) 277-281.
Kaminskii, A. A., Bohatý, L., Becker, P., Liebertz, J., Held, P., Eichler, H. J., Rhee, H. & Hanuza, J.: Tetragonal Ba2MgGe2O7 – a novel multifunctional optical crystal with numerous manifestations of nonlinear-laser effects: almost sesqui-octave Stokes and anti-Stokes combs and cascaded χ(3)- χ(2) lasing with involved second and third harmonic generation. Laser Phys. Lett. 5 (2008) 845-868.
Bayarjargal, L., Becker, P., Liebertz, J. & Bohatý, L.: Second harmonic generation in melilite-type Ba2MgGe2O7.
phys. stat. sol. (b) 246 (2009) 1674 -1676.
Hanuza, J., Maczka, M., Ptak, M., Lorenc, J., Hermanowicz, K. , Becker, P., Bohatý, L. & Kaminskii, A. A.:
Polarised IR and Raman spectra, temperature dependence of phonons and lattice dynamic calculations for M´2M´´Ge2O7 pyrogermanates ( M´=Sr, Ba; M´´= Mg, Zn). J. Raman Spectrosc. 42 (2011) 782-789.
Bohatý, L. & Liebertz, J.: Kristalle der Melilith-Reihe. II. Elektrooptische und elektrostriktive Eigenschaften.
Z. Kristallogr. 159 (1982) 277-281.
Becker, P., Held, P., Liebertz, J. & Bohatý, L.: Optical properties of the germanate melilites Sr2MgGe2O7, Sr2ZnGe2O7 and Ba2ZnGe2O7. Cryst. Res. Technol. 44 (2009) 603 - 612.
Kaminskii, A. A., Bohatý, L., Becker, P., Liebertz, J., Eichler, H. J., Rhee, H. & Hanuza, J.: Cascaded nonlinear-laser interactions in melilite-type crystals of Sr2MgGe2O7 and Ba2ZnGe2O7. Laser Phys. Lett. 7 (2010) 528-543.
Hanuza, J., Maczka, M., Ptak, M., Lorenc, J., Hermanowicz, K. , Becker, P., Bohatý, L. & Kaminskii, A. A.:
Polarised IR and Raman spectra, temperature dependence of phonons and lattice dynamic calculations forM´2M´´Ge2O7 pyrogermanates ( M´=Sr, Ba; M´´= Mg, Zn). J. Raman Spectrosc. 42 (2011) 782-789.
- NaFeSi2O6 (synthetic and natural (Aegirine))
Jodlauk, S., Becker, P., Mydosh, J. A., Khomskii, D. I., Lorenz, T., Streltsov, S. V., Hezel, D. C. & Bohatý, L.: Pyroxenes: A new class of multiferroics. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 432201 (9pp).
Baker; P. J., Lewtas, H. J., Blundell, S. J., Lancaster, T., Franke, I., Hayes, W., Pratt, F. L., Bohatý, L. & Becker, P.: Muon-spin relaxation and heat capacity measurements on the magnetoelectric and multiferroic pyroxenes LiFeSi2O6 and NaFeSi2O6. Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 214403-1/5.
Baum, M., Komarek, A. C., Holbein, S., Fernández-Díaz, M. T., André, G., Hiess, A., Sidis, Y., Steffens, P., Becker, P., Bohatý, L. & Braden, M.: Magnetic structure and multiferroic coupling in pyroxene NaFeSi2O6.
Phys. Rev. B 91 (2015) 214415-1/11.
Ackermann, M., Anderson, L., Lorenz, T., Bohatý, L., Becker, P.: Anisotropy study of multiferroicity in the pyroxene NaFeGe2O6. New J. Phys. 17 (2015) 013045 (10 pp).
Jodlauk, S., Becker, P., Mydosh, J. A., Khomskii, D. I., Lorenz, T., Streltsov, S. V., Hezel, D. C. & Bohatý, L.: Pyroxenes: A new class of multiferroics. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 432201 (9pp).
Baker; P. J., Lewtas, H. J., Blundell, S. J., Lancaster, T., Franke, I., Hayes, W., Pratt, F. L., Bohatý, L. & Becker, P.: Muon-spin relaxation and heat capacity measurements on the magnetoelectric and multiferroic pyroxenes LiFeSi2O6 and NaFeSi2O6. Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 214403-1/5.
Tolédano, P., Ackermann, M., Bohatý, L., Becker, P., Lorenz, T., Leo, N. & Fiebig, M.: Primary ferrotoroidicity in antiferromagnets. Phys.Rev. B 92 (2015) 094431-1/7.
Jodlauk, S., Becker, P., Mydosh, J. A., Khomskii, D. I., Lorenz, T., Streltsov, S. V., Hezel, D. C. & Bohatý, L.: Pyroxenes: A new class of multiferroics. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 432201 (9pp).